- The Adventures of Chris: At the Zoo, Danise Brakeman
- The Adventures of Traveling Bear, Vol. 1, 2, 3, Christian Hainsworth
- Birds Can Fly and So Can I, Noa Nimrodi
- Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life, Carole P. Roman
- Eyelike Colors
- A Halloween Story; a Frightfully-Delightful Tale, by a 5-year-old for Other Little Monsters Everywhere, Alberto Fernandez
- If You Were Me and Lived In..., Carole P. Roman
- Life's a Ball with Billy the Baseball, Mark Cervasio
- Lily Hates Goodbyes, Jerilyn Marler
- The Little Parrot and the Angel's Tears, M. Anu Narasimhan
- Pepper Parrot's Problem with Patience (A Captain No Beard Story), Carole P. Roman
- The Rainforest Grew All Around, Susan K. Mitchell
- Torina's World: A Child's Life in Madagascar, Joni Kabana
- When I Grow Up I Want to Be...in the U.S. Army!
- Why Won't Anyone Play With Me? Joy Smith
Young Adult:
- Case Closed? Nine Mysteries Unlocked by Science, Susan Hughes
- The Fatal Bullet, the Assassination of President James A. Garfield (Graphic novel), Rick Geary
- Odus and the Long Way Home, Dare DeLano
- Quit Bugging Me, Karen Laven
- It's a Brand New Day! Donald Leslie Slater and Kenny D. Shaw