Author Randy Singer has been called the Christian John Grisham. He lives up to this moniker in his new release, False Witness.
Clark Shealy and his wife Jessica are professional bounty hunters. Repossessions and chasing down men and women who skipped out on bail are a way of life for the two. Then one day, during what should have been a routine pick-up, the rug is pulled out from under Clark. He is hired to track down an elusive professor for the ultimate price: the life of his wife. Using his limited resources and connections, Clark is in a race against time, a race which can only end in death. The question is: whose?
Fast forward four years. Third year law students Jamie Brock and Isaiah Haywood spend part of their time working for a free legal aid clinic. Each are approached by clients with a hidden past and a perilous future. Who are these clients? Who betrayed them? and just as important Who is after them? The course Jamie and Isaiah start will take them (and the readers) on a dangerous adventure. At the heart of the matter lies a seemingly impossible math equation with unprecedented value. The federal government, the Chinese mafia, the witness protection program and a law professor with a checkered past all play roles in this must read thriller.
False Witness was previously released under the same name several years ago. This new (and improved?) version includes changes geared at bringing a certain group of people to the minds of his readers: the Dalits of India, the lowest in an unofficial caste system. Just as his some of his characters do, Mr. Singer is seeking to aid these people with profits from sales of False Witness. Included in the book is information pertaining to the Dalits and their situation, as well as ways in which to help.
False Witness is a legal thriller with a subtle, yet present religious overtone. The nature of the book goes a long way to prove that a good story can be accomplished and published without the usual coarse language and sex present in most popular thrillers of today. Readers will also appreciate the fact that at the end of the book no questions are left remaining, no loose ends are overlooked. The story is complete, and readers will find themselves waiting in anticipation for Singer’s next release.
This review was submitted by Kristin - Kristin is a wife, mom and the founder of The Book-Trotter. She wrote her first review over 20 years ago and has been reading and loving books ever since.
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